Need to pay your United Trades loan from your account at another institution?
You can use our online or mobile banking to transfer money between your accounts at United Trades FCU and your accounts at other financial institutions, free!
Getting set up is easy!
To connect your account at another financial institution complete our A2A Authorization Form. We’ll get you set up and ready to make transfers.
Transaction Limits
There are some security limits in place for A2A (Account to Account) Transfers.
Our standard limits are:
- $5,000 maximum per day
- $10,000 maximum per 30 days
Additional Info
- No A2A transfer fee for credit union members
- Transactions take 2-3 business days to complete
- You must complete and sign an authorization form before you will be able to start initiating transfers.
- You can set scheduled, recurring A2A transfers for automatic monthly payments or deposits
- Amounts being withdrawn from your account at the credit union will post immediately
- Amounts being deposited to your account at the credit union post only after the A2A transfer is completely processed with the other financial institution
- Review our Membership & Account Agreement for more information about our A2A transfer and other electronic services.